Skills & Reputation

Experience & Reputation

All skills have both an “experience” level and a “reputation” level.

Your experience level always increases, no matter if you win or lose by doing the activity. For example, firing a cannon grants gunning experience on a hit, always.

Your reputation, on the other hand, is related to successful outcomes in activities. It also goes down if you perform an activity poorly. For example, in gunning, successful hits increase your reputation, but missing reduces your reputation.

Your experience and reputation levels are all publicly shown on a leaderboard to assist in recruiting the best & most adventurous pirates.

Players also have MMR, which reflects up or down based on their own standing and the standing of an opponent who they defeated or who has defeated them in the open sea.

Skill List

Skill TitleDescription

💣 Gunning

Firing a cannon on a ship or in a fort raid.

Landing successful hits increases reputation, and missing hits reduces reputation.


Piloting a ship in an active battle arena.

Extracting or conquering a point of interest successfully grants increased reputation, whereas sinking reduces reputation.

🛠️ Maintenance

Repairing a ship's shield or patching holes in the hull.

Repairing or patching successfully grants increased reputation, whereas sinking reduces reputation.

🎣 Fishing

Top secret.

...and many more to come!

Last updated


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