8. Guilds

Players can band together in guilds to earn higher group quest rewards, show off their flag emblem, govern islands, and hire other players to play for them. There is no maximum number of players that can be in a guild.

Guild Treasury

The guild treasury generates 25% additional bonus loot each time any player in the guild collects loot. Once a day at daily reset, the guild treasury then distributes all collected loot and rewards out to the shipholders of the guild, pro rata.

Guilds can become the governor of an island, which earns their guild treasury a 5% cut of all crafting fees performed on that island. The governorship of islands is determined by certain guild tournaments. Guilds that become governors of islands have special identifiers in their in-game profile to designate them as current governors.

Scholarships. Ships in the guild can also be delegated out to players to grant them temporary Pirate Pass status without needing to purchase a pass. However, players that choose this option automatically send 100% of their rewards and loot back to the guild treasury. This arrangement is most commonly referred to as a "scholarship" in web3 gaming.

Guild Events

Guild quests are shared progress daily or weekly quests where guild members can earn higher rewards than unguilded players by completing special objectives. The larger the guild, the higher the multiplier on bonus rewards in guild quests.

Guild tournaments are periodic largescale PvP, PvE, or other styles of tournaments that count shared progress on a leaderboard and split out rewards to winning guild members pro rata with their contributions to the victory. Rewards in guild tournaments are split as:

  • 70% to contributing guild members based on their contributions

  • 20% to the guild treasury

  • 10% to the Fraction[1] holders, for certain tournaments (else this goes to guild treasury)

Joining or Creating a Guild

Players can join a guild via the in-game Guilds tab, found in the main ESC menu.

Players can create a guild in their account profile page inside of KAP Games. Here they can also remove other guild members, change the guild flag, edit the name, and more.

[1] Fractions are a part of the Shards.tech platform, which hosts some Captain & Company tournaments. Players can purchase Fractions of guilds to speculate on which guild might be the winner of the tournament. The Shards platform is an independent third-party site.

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